April 17, 2014

Change is in the AIR!!

Hello my lovelies!!

I have a very important update for you which is this.... I've recently updated my website and now have my blog integrated into it.  What that means for you is you're able to read every post from ONE site instead of two different sites and we get to CONNECT even more!

The new blog site is http://faithabraham.com/blog/

Click on it now and I'll see you there!  Thank you for reading my blog and being apart of my life.
I appreciate you! 

February 18, 2014

The secret to controlling your day

If you are unable to control your day, you will be unable to control your life.

We all know it’s actually impossible to orchestrate the inner workings of your day.  Side balls, curve balls and atomic bombs can be thrown at you at any moment taking you from a place of peace to a place of frustration and unproductive. Despite what we know could happen there is a still a way to maintain yourself and keep your day focused on the course it should go.

The first thing you do in the morning will set the tone of your day. King David said, early in the morning will I seek Thee. Don't look lightly on that statement; King David was very busy man; he was king over a vast kingdom, he defeated many of Israel's enemies in war and still had time to be called a man after Gods own heart. He too was busy. But yet he found time to seek after God.  Before he went into any battle he would pray and then write and sing songs of God’s goodness and faithfulness that we still refer to today as the book of Psalms. 

You can never be too busy to take control of your life.  Ultimately the way to control your day is to spend time with the One who created the day.  The way to control your day is to spend time with God. Here are some simple steps you can take to gain control of your day and thus fulfill your purpose on the earth. 

Wake up 45 minutes early: 

1.    Start with 15 minutes of prayer. 
I know everyone always says an hour but I just want you to get STARTED. Once you begin to see the tremendous results 15 minutes brings you'll easily transition to 1 hour plus!  

During this time don't complain just speak the Word of God over your life and situations. Do that for 10 minutes then listen for 5 minutes for God to give you peace & solutions.

2.    Read your Bible for the next 15 minutes.
I believe this is a great practice right after prayer because often times God will use the scripture to give you clarity, insight and give you solutions to problems. It's an easy thing to do and even easier when you use YouVersion bible app "1 year bible".

      3. Use another 15 minutes to make declarations and affirmations over your life.
If you have vision boards this is the time to meditate on them and see your life taking shape. (In my Unleashing the Greatness Within Kit I teach you how to do this as well as get specific about the important sectors of your life that once structured will lead to breakthough). 

Take the last 2-3 minutes of this time to visualize and construct your day with your mouth.  Speak out, “Today is going to be a productive and fruitful day.  All money owed to me is being given to me today.  Everything is working out in my favor.  I have favor in all matters and victory is my portion.”  When you speak words like that the heavens will align with you!

One important note: You’ll notice that sometimes during the course of these actions you’ll want to write out goals that you need to achieve for the day; you’ll receive reminders of things to do; you’ll get the names of people you need to call etc. WRITE IT DOWN.  Always have a note pad by your side when you’re praying & meditating.  When God speaks you’ll want to be able to document His words to you quickly!

February 06, 2014

3 things you need to become GREAT

I have this NAGGING belief that most people innately have a strong desire to succeed and do great things in life. There are accomplishments and awards that haven't been given to us but yet have our name written on it! I have never accepted my current circumstances as the indication of my future. I'm not sure about you but when I see others living out their dreams and being great I become even more convicted to live out my greatness!  I know most of our personal circumstances or our childhood did not show us anything that would indicate that there is a better life to be lived BUT there are techniques or even secrets that we can put into action that will allow us to rewrite our situation and draw out our future. 

The biggest thing we can do is commit ourselves to God and after that there are three things that I believe are key to achieving high levels of greatness.

1.     Imagination: When we were children we were told, “use your imagination”. As adults that statement is rarely used but it should be.  Our imagination is this powerful, unseen force that allows us to paint a picture of what could be.  The difference between those that have achieved success in their life and those who haven’t is that they have learned how to use their imagination to see themselves at a better place, living the life they desire.

2.     Goal setting: You have to know what you want before you can get there.  Before you can pack up and move from your current zip code, you have to know what your new zip code will be!  We should have an outline of what we want out of life within the next 1 year, 5 years and 10 years in order to give ourselves a “path to walk on”.  Life has a tendency to throw curve balls and if you don’t know where you’re going you’ll get side tracked. But when your goals are written down and at the center of your focus there’s no way to get side tracked.  Vision boards (a collage of pictures of your goals and dreams) are great tools to keep you focused and on track to greatness!  They're also a great point at which you can let your imagination run wild!

3.     Confidence: When a person lacks confidence they lack the wherewithal to take on challenges, face their fears and walk within the unknown.  When a person has confidence they are willing to take on challenges and face unfamiliar territory because they know they will be successful.   I personally cannot depend on confidence within myself but rather I depend on a confidence in God.  My confidence in God comes from knowing that He has my best interests at heart and that no matter how bad a situation is He can & will work it out for my good.

My new book Unleashing the Greatness Within will help you achieve a level of greatness that will exceed your highest expectation.  Included within the book is the how to for building confidence, exercises to use your imagination and ways to execute effective goal setting.  There is so much more to your life than what you see and my book will help you get there!

There’s a level of greatness that many do not get to because they are held back by negative feelings and doubts of whether or not they deserve a great life.  Essentially you are blessed to be a blessing.  When you have confidence in God, that confidence literally screams out “you cannot fail”!  Because of that, the world becomes your oyster.

These three things make all the difference in the world between being mediocre and being great.  I’ve seen some miraculous things take place in my life that exceeded what I could have dreamed of.  I know I couldn’t have done it within my own abilities; they were a combination of using my imagination, goal setting and having confidence [in God].

Since I still make sure to implement all these things I know there are more miracles getting ready to take place.  I hope you will implement them as well and when you do I’ll see you at the top!

January 24, 2014

From the Farm-to-the-Table

I found this great article via Redbookmag.com via Pinterest (you can follow me on pinterest by clicking here). There's a move going on that is promoting "clean eating" to the extreme its defined as only eating foods that were grown from the ground.  No fast food or processed foods.  To be honest it challenges everything you know about food and for those of you who [spiritually] fast it is quite similar to what you would eat on a Daniel fast.  

This particular article gives you 3 course meals for two whole weeks i.e. you don't have to figure it out for yourself! (Yay!)  WARNING! it is not for the faint of heart nor is it for heavy carnivores.  But if you're looking to start cleaning up your eating habits it will give you great ideas and cause you to rethink what you buy at the grocery store.

Should you decide to couple this eating style (I don't believe in diets) with Jesus Body workout or any other workout you will see GREAT results and quick fat burn.  

Some of the benefits of eating clean:
  • quick fat burning
  • cleanse body of unnatural processed food
  • better overall health
  • enjoyment of healthy natural foods

Remember a lean body doesn't start with your workout it starts with what you EAT!

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