May 31, 2013

Melt that belly fat...4 tips for QUICK results!

Summer is here yet you're still trying to figure out a way to get rid of some stubborn fat. No problem hautemama (that's what I call myself) is here! I call myself the way I see myself and I see myself as a haute mama ...which leads me to my quick fat busting secrets:

1. See yourself smaller. 

You cannot pay attention to the lying vanities or situation that is in front of you. What size do you want to be? How would you like to feel when walking up the stairs? Speak those positive and affirming words over yourself and you will see a shift in your mindset. Whatever your mind sees will be what you experience. 

2. Go on a fast. 

Now real fasting involves prayer and spending one with God but this fast is to refrain from eating ANY kind of sugary foods. That includes putting sugar in your coffee. Sugar packs on pounds especially soda pop. Refrain from it for 21 days and you'll see a massive difference! (Why 21 days? Check out my book 21 Laws that Rule the World where I talk about the power of habit and how that law can help you look better, feel better and achieve great things in life).

3. Jump rope. 

They are inexpensive. They are simple. And they work! While you're watching your favorite hour long show (for example Scandal) during the commercials get up an begin to jump rope. Most commercial breaks during a 60 minute program is a total of 30 minutes. If you jump rope every time you see a commercial you are essentially doing a 30 minute workout! Do that 3-4 times a week and see that beach body emerge. 

4. Drink plenty of [lemon] water. 

I understand that most people don't drink water because it has no taste but when you squeeze some lemon or lime juice into the water it makes it tasty. Water flushes out toxins and other unnecessary particles within your system. And with all the fat burning you'll need something to cool you down. 

Greatness Tip: 
As much as I know these fat busting secrets will help you for quick results I must be honest; taking care of your temple is a year around job. You must decide I make a lifestyle change in order to achieve the true results you want.  Your objective should be to have a beach body YEAR ROUND! 

Use Jesus Body Workout DVD to help you obtain that goal. Included with the DVD are recipes and tips that you can use over and over again. 

We only have one body while we're here on the earth let's take care of it so it will last and take care of us. 

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