April 04, 2011

How to have confidence during a "dry season"

Some say that "having successes creates confidence" but what if you're not in the season of having successes? What if your'e just starting out and unsure of how to create success? How do you gain confidence during that season?

Well honestly speaking, confidence shouldn't be based on anything external but rather internal. Specifically Who is inside of you...when you're born again it's Christ. The Bible says the same power that rose Christ from the dead is the very same power that lives on the inside of you and thus is made available to you. As a believer we are confident that Christ rose from the dead and that supernatural power is given to us for life and godliness. 

External factors can change any day. Good looks, lots of money, a great job, etc can all expire but the fact that Christ came to give us life and life in abundance will not. His blood cannot expire, the atonement for our sin cannot expire, our ability to do ALL things in Christ cannot expire.  Therefore it is wise for us to base and grow our confidence in Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask think or imagine.

Confidence that is built on His ability instead of our own ability gives us a head start and puts us ahead of the pack!  Even during a dry season we can walk with our head held high knowing that He makes you lie down in green pastures, He leads you beside the still waters (Psalm 23:2).  Despite feeling like we are in the desert where things are dry, harsh and bitter; in actuality He makes sure that ALL things work out for your good.  

So keep moving and putting the Word of God to work. In due season you will reap if you do not faint...dry seasons make us stronger and also stand as proof that when we place our confidence in Christ we cannot fail and will not lack.
Get more insight & understanding on how confidence can revolutionalize your life by picking up a copy of my book "Christ-Confidence" at www.faithabraham.com

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