September 12, 2011

You got it!

We serve a living God who knows our deepest fears and hurts yet our joys and pleasures. Though He is a big God He is involved in the intricacies of our lives and desires to be apart of them.  
He is the One who can see the big picture of our lives when all we can see are the moments that we are living in.  Sometimes what is included in the moments of our lives are not the desires that we hold in our hearts but we must know that if we work the Word, the Word will work for YOU!
John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was God. Christianity is not the lazy man's belief.  Why?  Because you must take the word and work the word in order for it to produce what it knows how to produce...Itself.  We work the Word by meditating on it, making confessions & declarations with it and placing our name within the Word.  The Word is God so the Word is alive and has no choice but to produce life.  The more of the Word we have in ourselves the more of God we have in ourselves.  
So when our circumstance or our situation doesn't look the way we believe it should look ...rise up and take the word that is living and work it!!  The Word was here before we were born and the Word will be here after we leave, the Word will remain forever.  It is living and gives us the power, authority and ability to create our world.  Stand tall, be encouraged and know that the Word will work for you when you work it!  
Remember that though weeping may endure for a night, joy come in the morning....and I declare to you that your morning has arrived!!

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