February 17, 2012

You cant lose with the stuff I use...

There is only ONE way to secure yourself so that you cannot fail in this life and that is with the continuous feeding on the word of God.  David said, "I have NEVER seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed beg for bread." Why? Because the foundation of the righteous is always built on the word of God.  The righteous live, breath, confess, meditate, pray and work the word of God therefore in them is the very life of God.  His word will never come back to Him void.  He will ALWAYS make good on His promises!
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
You cannot fail with these Bible applications.  Each one has a speciality and I actually use them interchangably.  They are customized to be downloaded to your computer, mobile phone, iPad or any other electronic tablet you may have. Thus you're always able to have access to the word of God! What a blessed life!
Youversion Bible
This is one of the most popular Bible applications with 10 millions downloads within 2 years and is readily accessible through the internet or offline (offline it must be downloaded directly to your device).  It is social media friendly and allows you to type notes about the specific verse you are reading. It is also FREE!
Difference: It has various Bible plans to help you read through the Bible at your own pace.  You can read the whole Bible in a year or the Old Testament only or the New Testament only.  Joyce Meyer has teamed up with Youversion and has a 365 devotional delivered straight to your phone.
Bible 360 is a newer Bible app created by Mark Burnett (the creator of the show Survivor & Celebrity Apprentice).  There are two very interactive versions lite, which is free, and premium, which is a nominal fee.  Must have internet connection to use the app.
Difference: This Bible appeals to you through tapping your senses with its visual tours, 360 videos of the places spoken of in the Bible, maps and art.   You're able to sync your activity to specific social networks.
Touch Bible
Although this particular app is not well known as far a popularity, it is used by many because it is available offline.
If you are new to electronic Bibles, this app is quite simple and Free!  The search option helps you find specific scriptures easily & quickly.
Difference: Once the app has been downloaded, you always have access to it because it is not dependent upon internet. You can highlight scriptures and write your thoughts and/or sentiments about the scripture & it will always be there until you decide to delete it. 
These apps make it easy for you to stay in the word.  When we stay in the word we are guaranteed to excel in life. 

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